
Under the fulfillment of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that the website owner is SpeciesMedia.

In accordance with Article 10 of the LSSICE, the identification of the owner are:

SpeciesMedia SL
CIF: B88379003
Carrer de l’avet 19 Bajos. 07011 Palma de Mallorca



SpeciesMedia (hereinafter SpeciesMedia) offers Internet users this website for free.

Access to this web site constitutes acceptance of the Terms, which may be amended or replaced by SpeciesMedia by posting such changes on the website. In any case the new conditions will be previously known by professionals before reentering your website.

The user undertakes to use the website and its services and contents without infringing current legislation, good faith and public order.

The viewing, printing and download parts of the website content is authorized only and exclusively under the following conditions:

– It is compatible with the purposes of the website, without in any way may damage, disable, overburden, or impair it .

– It is done with the sole purpose of obtaining information for professional use. Commercial use or distribution, public communication, or treated late

is expressly prohibited.

– That none of the contents on the website are modified in any way .

– No graphics, icons or images on the website image is used, copied or distributed separately from the rest of images that accompany.



SpeciesMedia not guarantee no interruptions or errors in accessing the website or its content, nor that it is updated.

SpeciesMedia take place, provided that no causes that make this impossible or difficult to execute, and as soon becomes aware of errors, disconnections or lack of updated content, all those efforts aimed at correcting the errors, restore communication and update the contents.

Both access to the website and the misuse that can be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the user. SpeciesMedia not responsible for any consequence or damage that may arise from such access or use.

SpeciesMedia not responsible for security errors that may occur or for any damages caused to user’s computer system (hardware and software), or the files or documents stored therein as a result of:

– The presence of a virus on the user’s computer that is used for connection to services and website content .

– A malfunction of the browser

– the use of outdated versions of the same.


SpeciesMedia not responsible if the content of other linked or accessible from this website via links websites.

The purpose of these links is to promote access to other sources of information on the Internet and to inform our suppliers, sponsors and partners.

In the event that any user, client or third party considers that the content or services provided by the linked sites are illegal or damage property or rights of the user, a customer or a third party liable for compensation, and in particular, those who infringe the principles listed below:

– The preservation of public order, criminal investigation, public security and national defense .

– The protection of public health or the natural or legal persons having the status of consumers and users, even when acting as investors .

– Respect for the dignity and the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance

– The protection of youth and childhood .

– The protection of Intellectual Property Rights may inform of SpeciesMedia however, receipt of such communication by this not represent knowledge for the purposes of liability under Article 17 of the LSSICE.


The contents, documents, images, graphics, logos and designs that make this website (hereinafter corporate elements) are owned by SpeciesMedia and are adequately protected in accordance with Spanish and International Law on Intellectual Property, which reproduction or use, in any form, without the express prior authorization of SpeciesMedia is expressly prohibited.

Access to this site does not give users any rights or ownership over the intellectual property rights of corporate elements other than the permitted uses in the general conditions.


Please note that SpeciesMedia treats all personal data in accordance with (UE) 2016/679 of 27 of april 2016 (GDPR) and of the law Organic of data protection Personales and garanties of digital rights (L.O. 3/2018), of the LSSI.

The personal data you. provide to us through our forms will be recorded and included in the files properly registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency which shall belong to SpeciesMedia and can learn through the website of the Spanish Agency for data Protection www.agpd.es .

What is the purpose for which personal data are processed?

SpeciesMedia handle your personal data with any of the following purposes:

– Manage requests from our users .

– Conduct surveys and statistical studies .

– Submit information about our activities and news by electronic means .

– Forward commercial or advertising about products and services that may be of interest to information .

The fact that you. send your personal data will imply consent for treatment in accordance with the purposes described above. Also expressly consent to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means to inform you about our activities and news.

Data is transmitted to third parties?

SpeciesMedia may communicate their data to their sponsors, suppliers and partners in order to provide our users with information about offers, promotions and services that may be Inres them, these companies can receive business information electronically (e- mail or SMS), telephone or post. In particular it may communicate their data to companies in the following sectors:


– Food
– Automotive
– Beverages
– Beauty and Hygiene
– Construction
– Culture and education
– Media
– Sports and Leisure
– Distribution and restoration
– Energy
– Office and Business Equipment
– Finance
– Home
– Industry
– Agricultural work
– Games and bets
– Cleaning
– Health
– Personal Items
– Snuff
– Telecommunications and Internet
– Textile and clothing
– Transport, travel and tourism
– E-Commerce and Internet


The fact that the user provide us with personal data imply consent to the transfer of your personal data for the purposes described above. This consent may be revoked at any time before SpeciesMedia at the following address: street sailboat 26 28220 Madrid 2ªA specifying “Ref: Data Protection” or email info@species-media.com specifying the subject “Data Protection” .

How can I exercise my rights regarding personal data protection?

Users may exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition request by any means affording proof of delivery and receipt before sailing SpeciesMedia on Calle lavet 19 bajo, 07011 Palma de Mallorca specifying “Ref: Data Protection” or via email specifying the subject “Data Protection”.

How does SpeciesMedia my personal information?

SpeciesMedia guarantees the confidentiality and security of their personal data when they are processed, to the extent that they have implemented policies and appropriate technical and organizational measures necessary for the processing of personal data, as laid down Article 9 of Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and developed by Royal Decree 1720/2007 which develops the LOPD. These measures and policies prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized use of their personal data.


SpeciesMedia may use cookies when the user browses the website, without their acceptance is a prerequisite for visiting the website. Cookies are small data files that are generated on your computer that can recognize registered once they have registered for the first time, without having to register each access to certain areas and services to users. Cookies allow us to know the date and time of each visit and the content that is accessed. The user has the ability to configure your Internet browser program to alert you on the screen of the receipt of cookies and prevent their installation on the hard drive of your computer.

By accepting these terms the user expressly consents to the use of cookies by SpeciesMedia in order to improve the presentation of our information and optimize the navigation of users who access our web sitito.

Changes to the current Privacy Policy

SpeciesMedia reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt to new legislation, case law or interpretation of the Spanish Data Protection Agency news. In this case, SpeciesMedia announce these changes, stating clearly and in due time the modifications made, and requesting, if necessary, the acceptance of such changes.



SpeciesMedia and the user, submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the domicile of Madrid for any controversy or conflict that may eventually result from the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions as well as the access or use of this website .



(El presente documento se ha elaborado el día 20 de noviembre del 2019)
Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación del tratamiento y portabilidad de los datos, a través de los siguientes formularios que deberá cumplimentar y enviarnos junto con una fotocopia de su D.N.I. o Pasaporte, a cualquiera de nuestras direcciones de contacto, tanto de correo electrónico, info@species-media.com, como de correo postal, SPECIESMEDIA MARKETING SL Calle avet 19 bajos 07011 Palma de Mallorca.
También puede ejercitar su derecho de oposición, de forma más sencilla y rápida, mediante el enlace habilitado para ello en la palabra “baja” que encontrará al pie de las comunicaciones electrónicas. Tan pronto recibamos la documentación, atenderemos el ejercicio de sus derechos en los plazos establecidos legalmente. En caso de no haber obtenido satisfacción en el ejercicio de tus derechos podrá presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de control, Agencia Española de Protección de Datos: https://www.aepd.es/es Le informamos que existen ficheros comunes de exclusiones generales o sectoriales para el envío de comunicaciones comerciales y, en concreto la Lista Robinson (www.listarobinson.es).